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Non-Clogging Pulp Pumps
Non-Clogging Pulp Pumps
  1. Outlet Diameter 80 - 200
  2. Flow Rate (Q) 20 - 400 (m3/h)
  3. Lift Head (H) 10 - 32 (m)
  4. Power Consumption 1.5 - 55 (kw)

Features And Applications

The Series XWJ non-clogging pulp pumps are a new type of energy saving slurry pumps. Equipped with the opened or semi-opened impeller, mechanical seals, high precision bearings, superior shaft material and adjustable clearance between wear plate and impeller's front side, the pulp pumps have the advantages of high efficiency, non-leaking or less leaking, non-clogging, compact structure, high reliability and smooth operation. The Series XWJ pulp pumps are widely used for pumping slurries with concentration less than 6% and temperature below 110°C in the paper and pulp industry. The pumps are also used for water supply and sewage drainage of industrial and municipal projects.

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